Sunday, August 8, 2010

Getting to know you

Head over to Mannland5 and play along...

1. Do you think mustaches are sexy?
Definitely NOT!
2. What's the last concert you've been to?
Last concert I went to was Tim McGraw

Before that I went to Britney was AWESOME!!!

& the Pussycat Dolls opened up for her!!

3 What was your favorite 80's sitcom?
Full House. LOVED this show!

4. Were you named after anyone?
I was not.
5. When you buy new clothes, do you wash before wearing?
6. If you didn't blog, what would you do with your spare time?
Well being that I am a new blogger, I don't blog really a whole whole
lot so I do everything I need to be doing before!...I'm sure this will change once I get into it more :)
7. What is your favorite department store?
Target! Me & mom can spend hours and tons of $$ there :)
8. If you were to get Laser Hair Removal..where would you get it?
If I was to ever get something done it would probably be my underarms and bikini line. They are definitely aggravating!

Happy Sunday Everyone!!


  1. Great answers! I love Target too, every time I go there I expect to spend like $30 and walk away with a $150 of stuff. LOL

    Have a great Sunday!

  2. Love Target! Welcome to Blogland! It will take over your life in no time! lol =D

    Happy Sunday!

  3. Thanks y'all ♥ That's exactly how I feel every single time I go into Target! But I still gotta LOVE it! :)

  4. & yes Nicole! Definitely does take over your life ha ha
